Comparison of elemental mercury oxidation across vanadium and cerium based catalysts in coal combustion flue gas: Catalytic performances and particulate matter effects.

Title Comparison of elemental mercury oxidation across vanadium and cerium based catalysts in coal combustion flue gas: Catalytic performances and particulate matter effects.
Authors Q. Wan; Q. Yao; L. Duan; X. Li; L. Zhang; J. Hao
Journal Environ Sci Technol
DOI 10.1021/acs.est.7b06020

This paper discussed the field test results of mercury oxidation activities over vanadium and cerium based catalysts in both coal-fired circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFBB) and chain grate boiler (CGB) flue gases. The characterizations of the catalysts and effects of flue gas components, specifically the particulate matter (PM) species, were also discussed. The catalytic performance results indicated that both catalysts exhibited mercury oxidation preference in CGB flue gas rather than in CFBB flue gas. Flue gas component studies before and after dust removal equipments implied that the mercury oxidation was well related to PM, together with gaseous components such as NO, SO2, and NH3. Further investigations demonstrated a negative PM concentration-induced effect on the mercury oxidation activity in the flue gases before the dust removal, which was attributed to the surface coverage by the large amount of PM. In addition, the PM concentrations in the flue gases after the dust removal failed in determining the mercury oxidation efficiency, wherein the presence of different chemical species in PM, such as elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC) and alkali (earth) metals (Na, Mg, K, and Ca) in the flue gases dominated the catalytic oxidation of mercury.

Citation Q. Wan; Q. Yao; L. Duan; X. Li; L. Zhang; J. Hao.Comparison of elemental mercury oxidation across vanadium and cerium based catalysts in coal combustion flue gas: Catalytic performances and particulate matter effects.. Environ Sci Technol. 2018. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b06020

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