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Investor Relations

As a privately held company that seeks to place shares with investors and institutions that understand our long term goals, the shareholders of American Elements are a unique group that appreciate that financial performance is only one measure of success. Supporting innovations that improve the lives of all mankind is the primary goal of our managers, directors and the stakeholders of the company.

American Elements supports a value-based management approach that balances the interests of our stockholders, customers, employees and suppliers. Our officers and directors are committed to following sound business practices and strong corporate governance; bringing sustainable solutions to every aspect of our manufacturing and production systems. Continuing improvement plays a key role in this process. Our shareholders’ interests are assured through a diversified portfolio of strategic long term investments in new technology and state-of-the-art plant & equipment.


American Elements
10884 Weyburn Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel. 310-208-0551
Fax. 310-208-0351