Nano Silver Vanadate AgVO3: Synthesis, New Functionalities and Applications.

Title Nano Silver Vanadate AgVO3: Synthesis, New Functionalities and Applications.
Authors A.Paula de M. Monteiro; R.Dias Holtz; L.Carneiro Fonseca; C.Henrique Z. Martins; M. de Sousa; L.Augusto Vi de Luna; D.Lucas de S. Maia; O.Luiz Alves
Journal Chem Rec
DOI 10.1002/tcr.201700086

Silver vanadates have been widely investigated because of their many interesting properties and their potential use in several applications. In addition to this, a large number of groups have investigated silver vanadates in the form of nanostructures. Here, we address first the synthesis and properties of nanosilver vanadate. Different techniques, such as precipitation, thermal decomposition, hydrothermal treatment, and sol-gel, are among the methods that have been employed for the controlled synthesis of silver vanadate. The use of nanosilver vanadate for the development of novel electronic devices, catalysts, and antibacterial agents for industry and biomedical applications will then be discussed. In this sense, the present review highlights the major advances regarding the synthesis, properties and applications of nanostructured silver vanadates.

Citation A.Paula de M. Monteiro; R.Dias Holtz; L.Carneiro Fonseca; C.Henrique Z. Martins; M. de Sousa; L.Augusto Vi de Luna; D.Lucas de S. Maia; O.Luiz Alves.Nano Silver Vanadate AgVO3: Synthesis, New Functionalities and Applications.. Chem Rec. 2018. doi:10.1002/tcr.201700086

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See more Silver products. Silver (atomic symbol: Ag, atomic number: 47) is a Block D, Group 11, Period 5 element with an atomic weight of 107.8682. Silver Bohr ModelThe number of electrons in each of Silver's shells is 2, 8, 18, 18, 1 and its electron configuration is [Kr]4d10 5s1. The silver atom has a radius of 144 pm and a Van der Waals radius of 203 pm. Silver was first discovered by Early Man prior to 5000 BC. In its elemental form, silver has a brilliant white metallic luster. Elemental SilverIt is a little harder than gold and is very ductile and malleable, being exceeded only by gold and perhaps palladium. Pure silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of all metals and possesses the lowest contact resistance. It is stable in pure air and water, but tarnishes when exposed to ozone, hydrogen sulfide, or air containing sulfur. It is found in copper, copper-nickel, lead, and lead-zinc ores, among others. Silver was named after the Anglo-Saxon word "seolfor" or "siolfur," meaning 'silver'.


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