Rapid and Large-Area Characterization of Exfoliated Black Phosphorus Using Third-Harmonic Generation Microscopy.

Title Rapid and Large-Area Characterization of Exfoliated Black Phosphorus Using Third-Harmonic Generation Microscopy.
Authors A. Autere; C.R. Ryder; A. Säynätjoki; L. Karvonen; B. Amirsolaimani; R.A. Norwood; N. Peyghambarian; K. Kieu; H. Lipsanen; M.C. Hersam; Z. Sun
Journal J Phys Chem Lett
DOI 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00140

Black phosphorus (BP) is a layered semiconductor that recently has been the subject of intense research due to its novel electrical and optical properties, which compare favorably to those of graphene and the transition metal dichalcogenides. In particular, BP has a direct bandgap that is thickness-dependent and highly anisotropic, making BP an interesting material for nanoscale optical and optoelectronic applications. Here, we present a study of the anisotropic third-harmonic generation (THG) in exfoliated BP using a fast scanning multiphoton characterization method. We find that the anisotropic THG arises directly from the crystal structure of BP. We calculate the effective third-order susceptibility of BP to be ?1.64 × 10(-19) m(2) V(-2). Further, we demonstrate that multiphoton microscopy can be used for rapid, large-area characterization indexing of the crystallographic orientations of many exfoliated BP flakes from one set of multiphoton images. This method is therefore beneficial for samples of areas ?1 cm(2) in future investigations of the properties and growth of BP.

Citation A. Autere; C.R. Ryder; A. Säynätjoki; L. Karvonen; B. Amirsolaimani; R.A. Norwood; N. Peyghambarian; K. Kieu; H. Lipsanen; M.C. Hersam; Z. Sun.Rapid and Large-Area Characterization of Exfoliated Black Phosphorus Using Third-Harmonic Generation Microscopy.. J Phys Chem Lett. 2017;8(7):13431350. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00140

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Phosphorus Bohr ModelSee more Phosphorus products. Phosphorus (atomic symbol: P, atomic number: 15) is a Block P, Group 15, Period 3 element. The number of electrons in each of Phosphorus's shells is 2, 8, 5 and its electronic configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p3. The phosphorus atom has a radius of 110.5.pm and its Van der Waals radius is 180.pm. Phosphorus is a highly-reactive non-metallic element (sometimes considered a metalloid) with two primary allotropes, white phosphorus and red phosphorus its black flaky appearance is similar to graphitic carbon. Compound forms of phosphorus include phosphates and phosphides. Phosphorous was first recognized as an element by Hennig Brand in 1669 its name (phosphorus mirabilis, or "bearer of light") was inspired from the brilliant glow emitted by its distillation.