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Intratubular disinfection with tri-antibiotic and calcium hydroxide pastes.
Title Intratubular disinfection with tri-antibiotic and calcium hydroxide pastes.
Authors Pereira, T.Cristina; De Vasconcelos, L.Reginna Si; Graeff, M.Sirlene Za; Duarte, M.Antonio Hu; Bramante, C.Monteiro; de Andrade, F.Bombarda
Journal Acta Odontol Scand
DOI 10.1080/00016357.2016.1256427

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro intradentinal antimicrobial ability of the calcium hydroxide and tri-antibiotic pastes.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Standard bovine dentin tubes were sterilized and then infected with Enterococcus faecalis by a new contamination protocol of great depths of dentin. The specimens were filled with the medications, divided into two test-groups: calcium hydroxide (Group 1) and tri-antibiotic (Group 2) pastes. After 15 days, the teeth were evaluated by microbiological culture and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with viability dye assay LIVE/DEAD inside dentinal tubules. In experiment of culture, the bacterial collection of the dentin fragments was done for counting the colony-forming units.

RESULTS: The tri-antibiotic paste had a slightly greater antimicrobial effect; however, there was no statistical difference between the groups.

CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the tri-antibiotic paste and the calcium hydroxide paste exercise the same effect on intra-tubular decontamination against E. faecalis. So, due the multiples advantages, the calcium hydroxide paste can be the choice for dentinal decontamination in regenerative procedures.