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Low-Valent Lead Hydride and Its Extreme Low-Field (1)H NMR Chemical Shift.
Title Low-Valent Lead Hydride and Its Extreme Low-Field (1)H NMR Chemical Shift.
Authors Schneider, J.; Sindlinger, C.P.; Eichele, K.; Schubert, H.; Wesemann, L.
Journal J Am Chem Soc
DOI 10.1021/jacs.7b01856

Although hydrides of the group 14 elements are well-known as versatile starting materials in many chemical transformations, a hydride of lead in oxidation state II is so far unknown. In this work, we finally complete the jigsaw puzzle by reporting the isolation of the first low valent organolead hydride. The thermolabile dimeric organolead hydride was synthesized at low temperature and features a hydride (1)H NMR signal (in solution 35.61 ppm; in the solid state 31.1 ppm) at the lowest field observed so far for a diamagnetic compound in agreement with quantum chemical predictions.