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Metastable phases of 2D boron sheets on Ag(1 1 1).
Title Metastable phases of 2D boron sheets on Ag(1 1 1).
Authors Zhong, Q.; Zhang, J.; Cheng, P.; Feng, B.; Li, W.; Sheng, S.; Li, H.; Meng, S.; Chen, L.; Wu, K.
Journal J Phys Condens Matter
DOI 10.1088/1361-648X/aa5165

Two reproducible new phases of 2D boron sheets have been found on Ag(1 1 1). One of them shares the identical atomic structure of the previously reported S1 phase (β 12 sheet) but has a different rotational relationship with the substrate, and thus exhibits very different features in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images. The other new phase has a hexagonal symmetry and is proposed to be the long-expected α-sheet. Both of these two boron sheets are confirmed to be metallic by scanning tunneling spectroscopy.