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Methane-based in situ temperature rise measurement in a diode-pumped rubidium laser.
Title Methane-based in situ temperature rise measurement in a diode-pumped rubidium laser.
Authors Wang, R.; Yang, Z.; Wang, H.; Xu, X.
Journal Opt Lett
DOI 10.1364/OL.42.000667

We measured active zone temperature rise of an operational diode-pumped rubidium laser non-perturbatively with methane-based near-infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLAS). For a Rb+ methane diode-pumped alkali laser (DPAL), the temperature rise was obtained. Especially, the temperature differences (∼10  K) between lasing and un-lasing cases were well identified, which demonstrated a high sensitivity of the method. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of extending the methane-based TDLAS method to DPAL study.