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Photoelectrochemical dimethoxylation of furan via a bromide redox mediator using a BiVO4/WO3 photoanode.
Title Photoelectrochemical dimethoxylation of furan via a bromide redox mediator using a BiVO4/WO3 photoanode.
Authors Tateno, H.; Miseki, Y.; Sayama, K.
Journal Chem Commun (Camb)
DOI 10.1039/c7cc01190c

Photoelectrochemical dimethoxylation of furan with methanol using a BiVO4/WO3 photoanode and Br(+)/Br(-) as a mediator was demonstrated with low applied potential. The faradaic efficiency for the dimethoxylation with a Et4NBF4 co-supporting electrolyte at +0.1 V vs. SHE was almost quantitative up to 99%.