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Premelting hcp to bcc Transition in Beryllium.
Title Premelting hcp to bcc Transition in Beryllium.
Authors Lu, Y.; Sun, T.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, D.B.; Wentzcovitch, R.M.
Journal Phys Rev Lett
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.145702

Beryllium (Be) is an important material with wide applications ranging from aerospace components to x-ray equipment. Yet a precise understanding of its phase diagram remains elusive. We have investigated the phase stability of Be using a recently developed hybrid free energy computation method that accounts for anharmonic effects by invoking phonon quasiparticles. We find that the hcp → bcc transition occurs near the melting curve at 0

11  GPa with a positive Clapeyron slope of 41±4  K/GPa, which is more consistent with recent experimental measurements. This work also demonstrates the validity of this theoretical framework based on the phonon quasiparticle to study the structural stability and phase transitions in strongly anharmonic materials.