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Silicate calculi, a rare cause of kidney stones in children.
Title Silicate calculi, a rare cause of kidney stones in children.
Authors Taşdemir, M.; Fuçucuoğlu, D.; Özman, O.; Sever, L.; Önal, B.; Bilge, I.
Journal Pediatr Nephrol
DOI 10.1007/s00467-016-3504-4

BACKGROUND: Urinary silicate calculi in humans are extremely rare. Reported cases of silicate calculi are mostly documented in adults and are commonly related to an excessive intake of magnesium trisilicate in food or drugs. Published studies on the presence of silicate calculi in children are scarce.

CASES: Three cases of silicate kidney stones without prior silicate intake are reported. Two patients underwent surgical treatment, and the third patient was treated using conservative methods. Urinalysis revealed no underlying metabolic abnormalities. Analyses revealed that silicate was the major component of the stones.

CONCLUSION: Siliceous deposits in urinary stones may be more common than anticipated, and the underlying pathophysiology remains to be clarified.