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Structure and Optical Features of Micro/Nanosized Carbon Forms Prepared by Electrochemical Exfoliation.
Title Structure and Optical Features of Micro/Nanosized Carbon Forms Prepared by Electrochemical Exfoliation.
Authors Nedilko, S.G.; Revo, S.; Chornii, V.; Scherbatskyi, V.; Ivanenko, K.; Nedielko, M.; Sementsov, Y.; Skoryk, M.; Nikolenko, A.; Strelchuk, V.
Journal Nanoscale Res Lett
DOI 10.1186/s11671-016-1770-5

Micro/nanosized carbon materials were prepared by electrochemical exfoliation method in the forms of the colloids and thin films. Scanning electronic microscopy, optical and luminescent microscopy, and Raman scattering and luminescent spectroscopy were applied for characterization of materials. The wide photoluminescence band in the visible spectral region was observed for each of the samples. The shape of the photoluminescence band depends on excitation wavelength and on the size of the particles. At least two components with maxima at ~580 and ~710 nm can be distinguished in the photoluminescence spectra. The relations between the photoluminescence properties and morphology of the samples have been described and discussed.