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Ultrasonic modification of carbon materials for electrochemical capacitors.
Title Ultrasonic modification of carbon materials for electrochemical capacitors.
Authors Rachiy, B.I.; Nykoliuk, M.O.; Budzulyak, I.M.; Kachmar, A.I.
Journal Nanoscale Res Lett
DOI 10.1186/s11671-017-1842-1

The paper is devoted to study the ultrasonic impact on the biomass of natural raw materials, which were used for the creation a nanoporous carbon material (NCM), which was used as electrode material for electrochemical capacitors (EC). The dry shells of apricot seeds were a feedstock, which were modified by the chemical treatment in the phosphoric acid and part of them were impacted by ultrasonic waves for 25 minutes. The NCM, which were obtained by carbonization at 550 °C, were modified by chemical treatment in the nitric acid. Thus, the different of modification NCM was obtained to compare their capacitance characteristics for EC. From experimental data we can do a conclusion, that ultrasonic modification and chemical treatment in nitric acidare improvecapacitance characteristics of NCM for EC.