Nuclear Fusion has long been considered the ultimate source of clean energy. As opposed to nuclear fission (the current technology in nuclear power plants), which generates energy by splitting neutrons, fusion technology generates energy through the combination of neutrons, the same as the energy that powers the sun. While capable of producing a great amount of energy, fission also produces radioactive waste material, and the mining, refining, and processing of fissionable materials such as uranium, plutonium, and thorium is a source of greenhouse gas emission and environmental degradation. Fusion, on the other hand, produces little to no waste and does not require radioactive starting materials (the deuterium-tritium (DT) reaction being one, which combines two isotopes of hydrogen to produce a neutron and a helium atom)--thus making it mankind's penultimate source of unlimited sustainable energy.
However attractive the prospect of using fusion is, it has always remained a mere hypothetical due to the massive amount of energy required to trigger the reaction. Generating more energy than consumed seemed as illusive as science fiction. But in 2023, researches from Lawrence Livermore National Lab, working with materials developed & manufactured by American Elements' AE Fusion Energy Division, produced the first ever reaction that resulted in a "net energy gain"--the output from the reaction surpassed the input. This milestone opens the door to a world powered by fusion energy.
American Elements has long supported researchers in the field of fusion energy, offering state-of-the-art materials and technical guidance. We have been key contributors to the experiments at numerous research facilities, national labs, and corporate development programs, such as Lawrence Livermore National Lab and EPFL in Switzerland. We are experienced with the specifications for Tomakak reactors and the precision materials required to ensure the purity of the plasma.