Chemical Manufacturing
American Elements is not just a supplier of chemicals to end users. We also supply many globally recognized chemical manufacturers, such as BASF, Dow and DuPont, with precursors and other starting raw materials.
Our ISO 9001 certified production facilities guarantee quality and lot to lot consistency. We also support their research and development programs with multiple purities and particle sizes to assist in optimization of new raw materials.
Question? Speak to an American Elements engineer at chemicals@americanelements.com
Innovation Case Study #19: American Elements Assists Toyota in Development of Low Platinum Catalytic Converter
#19: American Elements Assists Toyota in Development of Low Platinum Catalytic Converter
The Challenge
Every vehicle on U.S. highways today is required under federal law to have a catalytic converter to remove polluting NOX and SOX emissions prior to exhaust. The process requires metals with catalytic properties, and the most common of these are the Platinum Group Metals (PGM), which are expensive. Toyota established a program in 2007 to find ways to reduce the use of platinum, palladium and rhodium in its catalytic converters.
The Innovation
Working with catalyst producers in the U.S. and Japan, American Elements provided various grades of several metals for testing and assisted in optimizing promising forms, working with automotive testing labs on in situ 1,000 hour emissions testing.
The Result
A new class of catalytic converter coating materials was developed requiring lower amounts of palladium and platinum, substituting a portion of the PGMs with lower cost cerium metal in the final formulation.
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