Effects of the addition of nanoparticulate calcium carbonate on setting time, dimensional change, compressive strength, solubility and pH of MTA.

Title Effects of the addition of nanoparticulate calcium carbonate on setting time, dimensional change, compressive strength, solubility and pH of MTA.
Authors A. Bernardi; E.A. Bortoluzzi; W.T. Felippe; M.C.S. Felippe; W.S. Wan; C.S. Teixeira
Journal Int Endod J
DOI 10.1111/iej.12594

AIM: To evaluate nanoparticulate calcium carbonate (NPCC) using transmission electron microscopy and the effects of NPCC addition to MTA in regard to the setting time, dimensional change, compressive strength, solubility and pH.

METHODOLOGY: The experimental groups were G1 (MTA), G2 (MTA with 5% NPCC) and G3 (MTA with 10% NPCC). The tests followed ISO and ADA standards. The specimens in the dimensional change and compressive strength tests were measured immediately after setting, after 24 h and after 30 days. In the solubility test, rings filled with cement were weighed after setting and after 30 days. The pH was measured after 24 h and 30 days. The data were analysed with the ANOVA, Tukey's and Kruskal-Wallis tests (? = 5%).

RESULTS: The setting time was reduced (P < 0.05) in samples from G2 and G3 compared to G1. After 24 h, the dimensional change was similar amongst the groups, and after 30 days, G2 was associated with less alteration than G1 and G3. There was a difference in the compressive strength (P < 0.001) after 24 h and 30 days (G1 > G2 > G3). The solubility test revealed a difference amongst the groups when the specimens were hydrated: G2 > G1 > G3 and dehydrated: G3 > G2 > G1. The pH of the groups was similar at 24 h with higher values in each group after 30 days (P < 0.05), and G2 and G3 had similar mean pH values but both were higher than G1.

CONCLUSIONS: Nanoparticulate calcium carbonate had a cubic morphology with few impurities. The addition of nanoparticulate calcium carbonate to MTA accelerated the setting time, decreased compressive strength and, after 30 days, resulted in lower dimensional change (G2), higher solubility and a higher pH.

Citation A. Bernardi; E.A. Bortoluzzi; W.T. Felippe; M.C.S. Felippe; W.S. Wan; C.S. Teixeira.Effects of the addition of nanoparticulate calcium carbonate on setting time, dimensional change, compressive strength, solubility and pH of MTA.. Int Endod J. 2017;50(1):97105. doi:10.1111/iej.12594

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See more Calcium products. Calcium (atomic symbol: Ca, atomic number: 20) is a Block S, Group 2, Period 4 element with an atomic weight of 40.078. The number of electrons in each of Calcium's shells is [2, 8, 8, 2] and its electron configuration is [Ar]4s2. Calcium Bohr ModelThe calcium atom has a radius of 197 pm and a Van der Waals radius of 231 pm. Calcium was discovered and first isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808. It is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust and can be found in minerals such as dolomite, gypsum, plagioclases, amphiboles, pyroxenes and garnets. In its elemental form, calcium has a dull gray-silver appearance. Calcium is a reactive, soft metal that is a member of the alkaline earth elements. Elemental CalciumIt frequently serves as an alloying agent for other metals like aluminum and beryllium, and industrial materials like cement and mortar are composed of calcium compounds like calcium carbonate. It is also an biologically essential substance found in teeth, bones, and shells. The name "calcium" originates from the Latin word "calics," meaning lime.

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