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About Antimony

Antimony Bohr Model

For thousands of years, humans have used antimony in numerous and often radically different ways. As early as 3100 BCE, the mineral stibnite (antimony trisulfide) was used to produce kohl, the jet black eye makeup favored by Ancient Egyptian women, and a vibrant yellow pigment produced from antimony trioxide and lead was used in glassware and paints starting around the 14th century BCE. A potentially apocryphal legend relates how the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar was slowly driven mad from exposure to the painted walls of his palace, yet this pigment--which eventually became known as “Naples Yellow”--reached the height of its popularity in the 18th century CE. The writings of first century CE Greek philosopher Pliny the Elder contain a reference to the medicinal uses of stibnite, from which the element lead (having misidentified antimony) could be extracted via heating. The first authors to describe a means of isolating metallic antimony were Italian metallurgist Vannoccio Biringuccio in 1540 CE and Georgius Agricola in 1556; French chemist Nicolas Lémery was the first to study the element and its compounds in depth, publishing his findings in 1707.

The medieval alchemists recognized antimony as a “mundane element” associated with femininity, and gave the element its own symbol (a version of which persists as the symbol for female). Antimony compounds had been used medicinally since the Ancient Greeks prescribed certain powders for the treatment of skin diseases, but they gained popularity as medicinal remedies known as “antimonials” in the years following the death of Swiss-German alchemist and physicist Paracelsus in the 16th century. Paracelsus in particular strongly favored the use of antimonials as purgatives; his therapies were embraced in the subsequent two centuries by many in Europe, particularly in the form of emetics and laxatives, whose notable effectiveness stemmed in large part from their toxicity. Though arsenic is far more deadly, antimony poisoning has similar symptoms, and nearly all forms can have pronounced toxic effects over time, including liver damage or cancer. Elemental antimony is more toxic than its salts, and compounds containing antimony in its trivalent oxidation state are generally ten times more toxic than those containing pentavalent antimony. Stibine (SbH3) and stibnite (Sb2S3) are extremely toxic antimony compounds; exposure to more than 50 mg/m3 they are considered an immediate danger to life and health.

Like other elements including boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, and tellurium, antimony is classified as a metalloid, having properties somewhere in between those of metals and non-metals. Though its chemical structure is closer to that of true metals, it is less thermally and electrically conductive, and has the unusual property of having a lower electrical conductivity as a solid than a liquid. As is the case for phosphorus and arsenic, several allotropic forms of antimony exist: one stable form, which is a silvery-white metal, and three metastable forms: black, yellow, and explosive. Elemental antimony is resistant to attack by acids and stable in air, though flammable when heated, and it is one of five elements with the unusual property of expanding in volume when solidified (silicon, germanium, gallium, and bismuth being the other four). When molten antimony is allowed to cool, its surface gains a thin crystalline film with a distinctive crystalline fern or star like pattern.

Some niche applications for antimony-based compounds do still exist in the field of medicine. Antimony potassium tartrate or potassium antimony(III) tartrate, better known as tartar emetic, is slowly being phased out, but compounds like meglumine antimonite, sodium stibogluconate, and lithium antimony thiomalate have been used to combat difficult-to-treat parasitic diseases like cutaneous leishmaniasis. However, with the slow recognition of the element’s associated risks came a general shift in its applications towards primarily industrial and high technology uses. Antimony oxides and sodium antimonate are frequently used as flame-retardants in plastics, textiles, leather, and PVC, as exposure to fire causes the release of unstable compounds that quickly combine with oxygen in the air and thus smother the flames. Flame retardants are one of primary industrial uses for antimony. In addition, the heads of safety matches contain a combination of antimony trisulfide and an oxidizing agent such as potassium chlorate with tips of red phosphorus, requiring them to be struck on the specific matchbox surface in order to ignite. Various antimony compounds are used as components of pigments, mordants, pyrotechnics, fining agent to remove gas bubbles in glass, and in the manufacturing of high quality transparent glass used in computer monitors and television screens. In laboratory chemistry, fluoroantimonic acid, obtained from reacting antimony pentafluoride with hydrogen fluoride, is the strongest known superacid.

Recent applications for antimony have focused on advanced semiconductor technologies. Particularly important are the compounds of antimony with indium, gallium, germanium, and tellurium, producing compounds such as InSb, Ge3Sb3, GaSb, and Sb2Te3. These semiconducting compounds are used as components of and as substrates for high-k dielectric materials in laser diodes, integrated circuits, infrared detectors, Hall-effect devices, and memory devices for data storage. Additionally, antimony semiconductors have been proposed to be of critical importance to the development of the next generation of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) and tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs) that could power fast and efficient computers for use in sensors and microelectronics. High purity antimony (99.999+%) serves as an n-type dopant in silicon wafers, and indium tin oxide (ITO) nanoparticles doped with varying concentrations of antimony have been shown to improved laser reflection performance. Several antimony compounds function as topological insulators, hybrid materials that are electrical insulators in their interiors but are conductors at their surface. Silver antimony telluride crystals have been used to develop modeling tools for engineering new thermoelectric devices. and several antimony-based materials like copper antimonide and monodisperse antimony nanocrystals have been investigated as highly efficient electrode and electrolyte materials in next-generation batteries.

Antimony takes its elemental symbol Sb from stibium, the Latin name for stibnite; the origin of the name “antimony” is less clear. Suggestions include the Latin antimonium, which first appeared in a Latin translation of the work by Ceber, the Arabic phrase mesdemet, and the Greek words anti and monos, meaning “not alone,” owing to the fact that the element occurs primarily in compound form or with other heavier metals. Its most common mineral sources are the aforementioned stibnite (also known as antimony-glance), found in hydrothermally formed veins, valentinite (antimony trioxide, a byproduct of the decomposition of stibnite), and tetrahedrite, but the element also occurs in over one hundred different minerals: cervantite or kermesite, senarmontite, nadorite, and more. Antimony is obtained primarily from stibnite during the production of silver, gold, and copper, and can also be recovered during recycling of lead-acid batteries.


Semiconductor & Optical

High Purity (99.99999%) Antimony (Sb) Sputtering Target Antimony is available as High Purity (99.999%) Antimony Oxide (Sb2O3) Powdermetal and compounds with purities from 99% to 99.9999% (ACS grade to ultra-high purity); metals in the form of foil, sputtering target, and rod, and compounds as submicron and nanopowders. Antimony trioxide is an insoluble form of antimony available in forms including powders and dense pellets for such uses as optical coating and thin film applications. Antimony fluorides are another insoluble form for uses in which oxygen is undesirable such as metallurgy, chemical and physical vapor deposition and in some optical coatings. Antimony is available in soluble forms including chlorides, nitrates and acetates. These compounds are also manufactured as solutions at specified stoichiometries.

Antimony Properties

Antimony (Sb) atomic and molecular weight, atomic number and elemental symbolAntimony is a Block P, Group 15, Period 5 element. The number of electrons in each of Antimony's shells is 2, 8, 18, 18, 5 and its electronic configuration is [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p3. In its elemental form, CAS 7440-36-0, antimony has a silvery lustrous gray appearance. The antimony atom has a radius of and its Van der Waals radius is Antimony Bohr ModelThe most common source of Antimony is sulfide stibnite (Sb2S3), although it is sometimes found natively. Antimony is finding use in infrared detectors, diodes and Hall-effect devices as a component of semiconductor compounds such as antimony telluride and gallium antimonide. Antimony itself is, however, Elemental Antimonya poor conductor of heat and electricity. The incorporation of a small amount of antimony greatly increases the hardness and mechanical strength of lead, and the resultant alloy has found applications in batteries, antifriction alloys, small arms and tracer bullets and cable sheathing. Antimony compounds are used in manufacturing flame-proofing compounds, paints, ceramic enamels, glass, and pottery glazes. Antimony information, including technical data, safety data, high purity properties, research, applications and other useful facts are discussed below. Scientific facts such as the atomic structure, ionization energy, abundance on earth, conductivity and thermal properties are also included.

General Properties

Atomic Number:51
Atomic Weight:121.76
Element Category:Metalloid
Group, Period, Block:15 (pnictogens), 5, p
Color:silvery lustrous gray/ silvery-white
Other Names:N/A

Physical Properties

Melting Point:630.0 °C, 1166.0 °F, 903.15 K
Boiling Point:1750.0 °C, 3182.0 °F, 2023.15 K
Density:6.697 g/cm3
Liquid Density @ Melting Point:6.53 g/cm3
Density @ 20°C:6.684 g/cm3
Density of Solid:6697 kg·m3
Specific Heat:0.21 (kJ/kg K)
Superconductivity Temperature:N/A
Triple Point:N/A
Critical Point:N/A
Heat of Fusion (kJ·mol-1):20.9
Heat of Vaporization (kJ·mol-1):165.8
Heat of Atomization (kJ·mol-1):262.04
Thermal Conductivity:24.4 W·m-1·K-1
Thermal Expansion:(25 °C) 11 µm·m1·K1
Electrical Resistivity:(20 °C) 417 nΩ·m
Tensile Strength:N/A
Molar Heat Capacity:25.23 J·mol-1·K-1
Young's Modulus:55 GPa
Shear Modulus:20 GPa
Bulk Modulus:42 GPa
Poisson Ratio:N/A
Mohs Hardness:3
Vickers Hardness:N/A
Brinell Hardness:294 MPa
Speed of Sound:(20 °C) 3420 m·s-1
Pauling Electronegativity:2.05
Sanderson Electronegativity:2.46
Allred Rochow Electronegativity:1.82
Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity:2.12 (20% s orbital
Allen Electronegativity:1.984
Pauling Electropositivity:1.95
Reflectivity (%):55
Refractive Index:1.000271 (gas; liquid 1.221)

Chemical Properties

Electron Configuration:[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p3
Atomic Radius:140 pm
Atomic Radius,
non-bonded (Å):
Covalent Radius:139±5 pm
Covalent Radius (Å):1.4
Van der Waals Radius:206 pm
Oxidation States:5, 3, -3
Crystal Structure:Rhombohedral
Magnetic Ordering:Diamagnetic
Electron Affinity (kJ·mol-1)100.888
1st Ionization Energy:830.59 kJ·mol-1
2nd Ionization Energy:1594.96 kJ·mol-1
3rd Ionization Energy:2441.10 kJ·mol-1


CAS Number:7440-36-0
EC Number:231-146-5
MDL Number:MFCD00134030
Beilstein Number:N/A
SMILES Identifier:[Sb]
InChI Identifier:InChI=1S/Sb
PubChem CID:5354495
ChemSpider ID:4510681


Earth - Total:35 ppb
Mercury - Total:5.7 ppb 
Venus - Total:39 ppb 
Earth - Seawater (Oceans), ppb by weight:0.2
Earth - Seawater (Oceans), ppb by atoms:0.01
Earth -  Crust (Crustal Rocks), ppb by weight:200
Earth -  Crust (Crustal Rocks), ppb by atoms:30
Sun - Total, ppb by weight:1
Sun - Total, ppb by atoms:0.01
Stream, ppb by weight:2
Stream, ppb by atoms:0.02
Meterorite (Carbonaceous), ppb by weight:120
Meterorite (Carbonaceous), ppb by atoms:20
Typical Human Body, ppb by weight:N/A
Typical Human Body, ppb by atom:N/A
Universe, ppb by weight:0.4
Universe, ppb by atom:0.004


Discovered By:N/A
Discovery Date:Ancient
First Isolation:Vannoccio Biringuccio (1540)

Health, Safety & Transportation Information for Elemental Antimony

The chemical state of antimony affects the toxicity of the element and its compounds. Antimony toxicity makes it immediately dangerous to life or health at 50 mg/m3 or above. Safety data for Antimony metal, nanoparticles and its compounds can vary widely depending on the form. For potential hazard information, toxicity, and road, sea and air transportation limitations, such as DOT Hazard Class, DOT Number, EU Number, NFPA Health rating and RTECS Class, please see the specific antimony material or compound referenced in the “Products” tab. The below information applies to elemental (metallic) Antimony.

Safety Data
Signal WordWarning
Hazard StatementsH302-H332-H411
Hazard CodesN
Risk Codes51/53
Safety Precautions60
RTECS NumberCC4025000
Transport InformationUN 2871 6.1/PG 3
WGK Germany2
Globally Harmonized System of 
Classification and Labelling (GHS)
Exclamation Mark-Acute Toxicity Environment-Hazardous to the aquatic environment

Review and Print SDS for Antimony Metal


Date Created: 05/15/2015
Date Revised: 05/15/2015


Product Name: Antimony Metal

Product Number: All applicable American Elements product codes, e.g. SB-E-02, SB-E-03, SB-E-04, SB-E-05, SB-E-06, SB-E-07

CAS #: 7440-36-0

Relevant identified uses of the substance: Scientific research and development

Supplier details:
American Elements
1093 Broxton Ave. Suite 2000
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: +1 310-208-0551
Fax: +1 310-208-0351

Emergency telephone number:
Domestic, North America +1 800-424-9300
International +1 703-527-3887


Classification of the substance or mixture
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
The substance is not classified as hazardous to health or the environment according to the CLP regulation.
Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or Directive 1999/45/EC
Not applicable
Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:
No information known.
Hazards not otherwise classified
No information known.
Label elements
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Not applicable
Hazard pictograms
Not applicable
Signal word
Not applicable
Hazard statements
Not applicable
WHMIS classification
Not controlled
Classification system
HMIS ratings (scale 0-4)
(Hazardous Materials Identification System)

Health (acute effects) = 1
Flammability = 0
Physical Hazard = 0
Other hazards
Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
PBT: Not applicable.
vPvB: Not applicable.


Chemical characterization: Substances
CAS# Description:
7440-36-0 Antimony
Identification number(s):
EC number: 231-146-5


Description of first aid measures
After inhalation
Supply fresh air. If required, provide artificial respiration. Keep patient warm.
Seek immediate medical advice.
After skin contact
Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly.
Seek immediate medical advice.
After eye contact
Rinse opened eye for several minutes under
running water. Then consult a doctor.
After swallowing
Seek medical treatment.
Information for doctor
Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
No further relevant information available.
Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
No further relevant information available.


Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing agents
Special powder for metal fires. Do not use water.
For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
If this product is involved in a fire, the following can be released:
Antimony oxides
Advice for firefighters
Protective equipment:
Wear self-contained respirator.
Wear fully protective impervious suit.


Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.
Ensure adequate ventilation
Environmental precautions:
Do not allow material to be released to the environment without proper governmental permits.
Do not allow product to reach sewage system or any water course.
Do not allow to penetrate the ground/soil.
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Pick up mechanically.
Prevention of secondary hazards:
No special measures required.
Reference to other sections
See Section 7 for information on safe handling
See Section 8 for information on personal protection equipment.
See Section 13 for disposal information.


Precautions for safe handling
Keep container tightly sealed.
Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed containers.
Information about protection against explosions and fires:
No information known.
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
No special requirements.
Information about storage in one common storage facility:
Store away from oxidizing agents.
Store away from halogens.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly sealed.
Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed containers.
Specific end use(s)
No further relevant information available.


Additional information about design of technical systems:
Properly operating chemical fume hood designed for hazardous chemicals and having an average face velocity of at least 100 feet per minute.
Control parameters
Components with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:
7440-36-0 Antimony (100.0%)
PEL (USA) Long-term value: 0.5 mg/m³ as Sb
REL (USA) Long-term value: 0.5 mg/m³ as Sb
TLV (USA) Long-term value: 0.5 mg/m³ as Sb
EL (Canada) Long-term value: 0.5 mg/m³
EV (Canada) Long-term value: 0.5 mg/m³
Additional information: No data
Exposure controls
Personal protective equipment
General protective and hygienic measures
The usual precautionary measures for handling chemicals should be followed.
Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed.
Remove all soiled and contaminated clothing immediately.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.
Maintain an ergonomically appropriate working environment.
Breathing equipment:
Use suitable respirator when high concentrations are present.
Protection of hands: Impervious gloves
Check protective gloves prior to each use for their proper condition.
The selection of suitable gloves not only depends on the material, but also on quality. Quality will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Penetration time of glove material (in minutes)
Not determined
Eye protection: Safety glasses
Body protection: Protective work clothing.


Information on basic physical and chemical properties
General Information
Form: Solid in various forms
Color: Silver grey
Odor: Odorless
Odor threshold: Not determined.
pH-value: Not applicable.
Change in condition
Melting point/Melting range: 630.7 °C (1167 °F)
Boiling point/Boiling range: 1587 °C (2889 °F)
Sublimation temperature / start: Not determined
Flammability (solid, gaseous): Not determined.
Ignition temperature: Not determined
Decomposition temperature: Not determined
Auto igniting: Not determined.
Danger of explosion: Not determined.
Explosion limits:
Lower: Not determined
Upper: Not determined
Vapor pressure: Not applicable.
Density at 20 °C (68 °F): 6.68 g/cm³ (55.745 lbs/gal)
Relative density: Not determined.
Vapor density: Not applicable.
Evaporation rate: Not applicable.
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Insoluble
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not determined.
dynamic: Not applicable.
kinematic: Not applicable.
Other information
No further relevant information available.


No information known.
Chemical stability
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided:
Decomposition will not occur if used and stored according to specifications.
Possibility of hazardous reactions
No dangerous reactions known
Conditions to avoid
No further relevant information available.
Incompatible materials:
Oxidizing agents
Hazardous decomposition products:
Antimony oxides


Information on toxicological effects
Acute toxicity:
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) contains acute toxicity data for this substance.
LD/LC50 values that are relevant for classification: Oral LD50 100 mg/kg (rat)
Skin irritation or corrosion: No irritant effect.
Eye irritation or corrosion: May cause irritation
Sensitization: No sensitizing effects known.
Germ cell mutagenicity: No effects known.
No classification data on carcinogenic properties of this material is available from the EPA, IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH.
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) contains tumorigenic and/or carc inogenic and/or neoplastic data for this substance.
Reproductive toxicity: No effects known.
Specific target organ system toxicity - repeated exposure: No effects known.
Specific target organ system toxicity - single exposure: No effects known.
Aspiration hazard: No effects known.
Subacute to chronic toxicity: No effects known.
Additional toxicological information:
To the best of our knowledge the acute and chronic toxicity of this substance is not fully known.


Aquatic toxicity:
No further relevant information available.
Persistence and degradability
No further relevant information available.
Bioaccumulative potential
No further relevant information available.
Mobility in soil
No further relevant information available.
Additional ecological information:
General notes:
Do not allow material to be released to the environment without proper governmental permits.
Do not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system, even in small quantities.
Danger to drinking water if even extremely small quantities leak into the ground.
Avoid transfer into the environment.
Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
PBT: Not applicable.
vPvB: Not applicable.
Other adverse effects
No further relevant information available


Waste treatment methods
Consult state, local or national regulations to ensure proper disposal.
Uncleaned packagings:
Disposal must be made according to official regulations.


Not applicable
UN proper shipping name
Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es)
Not applicable
Packing group
Not applicable
Environmental hazards:
Not applicable.
Special precautions for user
Not applicable.
Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code
Not applicable.
Transport/Additional information:
Marine Pollutant (DOT):
UN "Model Regulation":


Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
National regulations
All components of this product are listed in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical substance Inventory.
All components of this product are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL).
SARA Section 313 (specific toxic chemical listings)
7440-36-0 Antimony
California Proposition 65
Prop 65 - Chemicals known to cause cancer
Substance is not listed.
Prop 65 - Developmental toxicity
Substance is not listed.
Prop 65 - Developmental toxicity, female
Substance is not listed.
Prop 65 - Developmental toxicity, male
Substance is not listed.
Information about limitation of use:
For use only by technically qualified individuals.
This product is subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 and 40CFR372.
Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations
Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) according to the REACH Regulations (EC) No. 1907/2006.
Substance is not listed.
The conditions of restrictions according to Article 67 and Annex XVII of the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) for the manufacturing, placing on the market and use must be observed.
Substance is not listed.
Annex XIV of the REACH Regulations (requiring Authorisation for use)
Substance is not listed.
REACH - Pre-registered substances
Substance is listed.
Chemical safety assessment:
A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out.


Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. American Elements shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale. COPYRIGHT 1997-2016 AMERICAN ELEMENTS. LICENSED GRANTED TO MAKE UNLIMITED PAPER COPIES FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY.

Antimony Isotopes

Antimony (Sb) has two stable isotopes and thirty-five radioactive isotopes with half lives ranging from 2.75856 years to less than one hour.

NuclideIsotopic MassHalf-LifeMode of DecayNuclear SpinMagnetic MomentBinding Energy (MeV)Natural Abundance
(% by atom)
103Sb102.93969(32)#100# ms [>1.5 µs]ß+ to 103Sn5/2+#N/A840.1-
104Sb103.93647(39)#0.47(13) s [0.44(+15-11) s]ß+ to 104Sn; p to 103Sn; ß+ + p to 103In; a to 100InN/AN/A848.17-
105Sb104.93149(11)1.12(16) sß+ to 105Sn; p to 104Sn; ß+ + p to 104In(5/2+)N/A856.25-
106Sb105.92879(34)#0.6(2) sß+ to 106Sn(4+)N/A873.65-
107Sb106.92415(32)#4.0(2) sß+ to 107Sn5/2+#N/A881.73-
108Sb107.92216(22)#7.4(3) sß+ to 108Sn(4+)N/A889.81-
109Sb108.918132(20)17.3(5) sß+ to 109Sn5/2+#N/A907.2-
110Sb109.91675(22)#23.0(4) sß+ to 110Sn(4+)N/A915.28-
111Sb110.91316(3)75(1) sß+ to 111Sn(5/2+)N/A923.36-
112Sb111.912398(19)51.4(10) sß+ to 112Sn3+N/A931.44-
113Sb112.909372(19)6.67(7) minß+ to 113Sn5/2+N/A948.83-
114Sb113.90927(3)3.49(3) minß+ to 114Sn(3+)N/A956.91-
115Sb114.906598(17)32.1(3) minß+ to 115Sn5/2+N/A964.99-
116Sb115.906794(6)15.8(8) minß+ to 116Sn3+N/A973.07-
117Sb116.904836(10)2.80(1) hEC to 117Sn5/2+N/A981.15-
118Sb117.905529(4)3.6(1) minEC to 118Sn1+N/A989.23-
119Sb118.903942(9)38.19(22) hEC to 119Sn5/2+3.45997.3-
120Sb119.905072(8)15.89(4) minEC to 120Sn1+2.31005.38-
122Sb121.9051737(24)2.7238(2) dEC to 122Sn; ß- to 122Te2--1.91021.54-
124Sb123.9059357(22)60.20(3) dß- to 124Te3-1.21037.7-
125Sb124.9052538(28)2.75856(25) yß- to 125Te7/2+2.631045.78-
126Sb125.90725(3)12.35(6) dß- to 126Te(8-)1.31053.85-
127Sb126.906924(6)3.85(5) dß- to 127Te7/2+2.71061.93-
128Sb127.909169(27)9.01(4) hß- to 128Te8-1.31070.01-
129Sb128.909148(23)4.40(1) hß- to 129Te7/2+N/A1078.09-
130Sb129.911656(18)39.5(8) minß- to 130Te(8-)#N/A1076.85-
131Sb130.911982(22)23.03(4) minß- to 131Te(7/2+)N/A1084.93-
132Sb131.914467(15)2.79(5) minß- to 132Te(4+)N/A1093.01-
133Sb132.915252(27)2.5(1) minß- to 133Te(7/2+)N/A1101.09-
134Sb133.92038(5)0.78(6) sß- to 134Te(0-)N/A1099.85-
135Sb134.92517(11)1.68(2) sß- to 135Te; ß- + n to 134Te(7/2+)N/A1107.93-
136Sb135.93035(32)#0.923(14) sß- to 136Te; ß- + n to 135Te1-#N/A1106.69-
137Sb136.93531(43)#450(50) msß- to 137Te; ß- + n to 136Te7/2+#N/A1114.77-
138Sb137.94079(32)#500# ms [>300 ns]ß- to 138Te; ß- + n to 136Te2-#N/A1113.53-
139Sb138.94598(54)#300# ms [>300 ns]ß- to 139Te7/2+#N/A1121.61-